To be the best at what you do and to achieve unprecedented levels of personal and professional success you will need an accountability partner, mentor or success coach. Someone who will keep you focused on your goals, someone who will keep you from getting distracted and someone who can help you by being the voice of your conscience as an accountability partner whilst you work through tough times and difficult situations. The top athletes in the world engage coaches to help them keep what they already have and to help them strive to achieve the next level of accomplishment. Being in business is no different. You are surrounded by competition and if you don’t learn how to build and maintain that competitive edge and that competitive advantage, you will find that your ranking will begin to slide. Any investment you make in Success Coaching will always provide you with a distinct winning advantage !

Personal Development
Personal Development is the conscious pursuit of personal growth by expanding self awareness and knowledge and improving intrinsic personal skills by influencing all the activities that improve an individual’s awareness, ability and identity. It is also a process that helps develop talents and potential where we build human capital and enhance the existing quality of life and contribute to the manifestation and realisation of personal dreams and professional aspirations.
When personal development takes place in organisations it refers to methods, programs, systems, techniques and evaluation and assessment tools that measure and support human growth and development at an individual’s level.
Personal Development affects the mind, the body and the spirit as well as the current levels of success currently being enjoyed in all areas of your life.
The ultimate goal of Personal Development of course is to be a self-actualizing human being. That means living consciously at your full potential and reaching real happiness in your life by raising your level of conscious awareness to such a point that only excellence can follow.
There are specific steps to take when starting out with Personal Development and without addressing these steps in a progressive fashion your endeavours to achieve that personal development will remain incomplete.
Personal Development can help you develop your mental strength, your physical strength, your emotional strength, your social strength and even your financial strength.
So how can you get started on your own personal growth journey.
It starts with basic motivation and the desire to improve oneself. It’s either coming from inspiration where you are looking to improve who you already are, or it comes out of desperation where an unpleasant experience has forced you to grow.
One of the first things you need is acceptance. Acceptance means you see your life or your situation as it really is and accept that. Stop tolerating and rationalizing things you are truly unhappy about and start being honest with yourself. That may also mean you have to look at areas of your life where it really can be painful to accept the status quo. If you take the time and connect to the truth you will have laid the most important basis to really grow. You have to know where you stand only then can you can move forward. Without honesty it’s never going to work.
The most essential things in Personal Development deal with how one looks at the world and one see’s themselves in the world, which then determines how we act in that world.
Let me ask you – Are you a victim or a winner?
And do you see yourself as confident or submissive?
Are you in control or not?
Are you successful or struggling?
Are you happy or sad, and in what parts of your life are you either of those emotions?
Much of Personal Development is about making the unconscious conscious, in other words opening up your mind to be receptive to alternate possibility and to see things from a different perspective.
The first step is always to raise you level of conscious awareness so you can better understand how you really operate on the inside. Only then we can get control over it and set about changing the results we are getting outside.
The Four Stages of Mind Competency
- Unconscious Incompetence
This is where the individual does not understand or know how to do something and may not even recognize the deficit. They may deny the usefulness of the skill. The individual must recognise their own incompetence, and the value of the new skill, before moving on to the next stage. The length of time an individual spends in this stage depends on the strength of the stimulus to learn.
- Conscious Incompetence
Though the individual does not understand or know how to do something, he or she does recognize the deficit, as well as the value of a new skill in addressing the deficit. The making of mistakes can be integral to the learning process at this stage.
- Conscious Competence
The individual understands or knows how to do something. However, demonstrating the skill or knowledge requires concentration. It may be broken down into steps, and there is heavy conscious involvement in executing the new skill.
- Unconscious Competence
The individual has had so much practice with a skill that it has become “second nature” and can be performed easily. As a result, the skill can be performed while executing another task. The individual may be able to teach it to others, depending upon how and when it was learned.
And it is these elements that determine our character and our personality. During these processes we develop unconscious beliefs that ultimately limit our conscious minds.
Understanding these thought processes is what allows us to take responsibility for ourselves and to stop blaming others for results that we may very well be responsible for. Doing this moves us back to a position of personal power again. We become responsible for our thoughts which enable us to dream again, set a life-vision and set some exciting new goals for our life.
We get more energy and we learn how to use it intelligently. We gain more self-awareness and we improve our mental focus and we develop a personal development plan that will guide us to where we really want life to take us.

Business Mentoring
Business Mentoring is an effective way of helping people progress in their careers and is fast becoming increasingly popular as its potential is realised. Business Mentoring is more often a partnership between two people (mentor and mentee) normally working in a similar field or sharing similar experiences. It is a professional relationship based on mutual trust and respect.
A Business Mentor is a guide who will help you find the right direction and who can also help you develop solutions to various development issues. Mentoring provides you with the opportunity to think about career options, business development and professional progress.
A Business Mentor will help you develop a deeper level of belief in yourself and will help boost your confidence. A Business Mentor will also ask you questions and challenge your conceptions on a broad range of issues, while providing guidance, support and encouragement.
Mentoring allows you to explore new ideas and new concepts with another trusted professional in confidence. It is also a chance to look more closely at yourself, your issues, opportunities and what you really want in life.
Business Mentoring is about becoming self aware, taking greater responsibility and steering your life in the direction you want, rather than leaving it all to chance.
Benefits of Business Mentoring
- You will feel supported in a trusted and confidential relationship
- You will be provided with a blueprint for working through and solving any problems
- Mentoring includes training, support, encouragement, advice and guidance from an independent unbiased professional
- You will gain personal and professional confidence and further develop you leadership skills
- You will learn how to develop business from a whole new perspective
- You will build a better stronger more stable infrastructure and business
- You will become a very strong contender and highly competitive in your market.
- You will discover alternate ways of increasing bottom line profit
- You will enjoy greater efficiency, productivity and profit.
- You will be able to better communicate your expectations to key staff members and stakeholders

Australian General News
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